Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Record, Done (CHECK!)

Just last night I finished all the vocals for my new record!  Finally!!  I can't believe it actually happened!  This record has been a real beast, or I'm just impatient!  I love it, don't get me wrong please, but there were several road blocks that came up with this one that I just wasn't expecting.  I had hoped, planned, posted, and tweeted that my record was going to be ready last summer in 2010, which here we are right now at what is soon to be approximately one year later now that we're in May, 2011.  Well last summer came and went, and so did fall and winter!  Boom!  I blinked and it was a brand new year, or so it seemed:))  I do believe that this may all have been a lesson learned for me, and the lesson was, and still is: that WE SHOULDN'T MAKE PLANS!  Haha!  Hehe!!  I think I figured it out.....what God may have been trying to teach me.  I found that whenever we do make our plans, we're setting ourselves up for a 'Plan B diversion' every time! LOL!   

I am very proud and quite pleased with the record right now at this point.  However I didn't arrive here at this place without much thought process and contemplation on my part.  I chose songs, and I changed my mind about songs.  I wrote songs and I learned and re learned songs along with the process of practicing several songs from a standpoint of performing them "live".  Even after working with my band leader I had figured some of the keys wrong but I am a total believer of what one of my vocal instructors taught me that I've never forgotten...."a singer can sing any song, as long as it's in the right key."  Recording in the studio is quite a different performance altogether from singing "live" with respect to key and tempo among other things.  I did go back into the studio after everything was all complete or so I thought, but I went into my own home studio that I built where I can always be in complete control of my surroundings (which is the way I like it) and I started all over and re recorded my vocals again!  My producer thinks I'm completely nuts most of the time...LOL!   It was all a roller coaster ride and a labor of love, and now my baby, my record, is finally about to be revealed.  She's ready to be born!  I think the process of making a record, for me anyway, is full of excitement, stress, passion, creativity, cognitive overload, many late nights with bad food followed by upset stomaches, falling asleep in the salon while I get my hair blown dry or on my yoga mat during extended child's pose because I'm just so damn tired, and ultimately it's all an expression of love with a simplicity component attached that is difficult to articulate to say the least.  I'll just say.....'I do it because it's what I am SUPPOSED to be doing for my contribution to the planet'.  That 'my Dears', is a fact.

Will definitely keep you posted, haha, literally as to the release date!!
~ta ta....until next time,
V V    

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