Thursday, April 28, 2011

Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome to my Blog, and thanks for sharing my story!  I appreciate you being here with me:))
Ok, so for my very first blog entry I thought I would begin with telling you a little about me in as few words as possible, LOL.....I'm a country's what I do.  It's what I love!  It's my passion, and always will be and I'd like to include you with me, on this journey I take everyday called, "my life" as so it appears to be currently seen by some including myself, "In The Spotlight"!  Therefore the title of my blog;  and you can understand why I chose to name it "In The Spotlight".  It's true I do live my life this way, "In The Spotlight", and I consider it all to be quite an interesting story....much too interesting to keep only to myself.  Haha!  I'd like to share it with you!  You'll learn more and more about me with each entry.  I love writing to express myself and I won't promise how long or short my entries will be.  I will only promise my writing will always be authentic at that given time.  I'm very emotional, traditional, and sentimental with an uncanny willingness to laugh oh so heartily at myself oftentimes!!  Haha!
So, thanks and welcome again to what I hope will be a fun, interesting ride and story that I'm willing to share.  I hope you take it all in from a place of love, and a creative inspired spirit that's always willing to claim that this is MY life, "In The Spotlight" where I am living my dream, and dreaming my life.
~ta ta...until next time,