Thursday, June 26, 2014

New Record

The record is coming together, Aww it's so official!  I have 12 songs that I want on this one, but my producer and I keep going back and forth regarding a decision about a few of my choices.  He wants an EP....thinks that would be best and I want an LP, just because, well....Just Because!  Ha!  Every song that I sing is like a gift for me.  My job is to take that gift, manipulate it with my own special gifts, and then return it back, and give it back, this time to you! ❤ It's a magical recycling process that is a miracle in and of itself.  Now, I can't blog too much about it either way, but whether it's 12 on a CD/LP, or 6 on an EP I'm excited and over the moon about it!  I'm doing some live rehearsing today which for me means no dairy, no wheat, no sugar, and no fun!  Ugh!  I just started working on releasing a Christmas EP this year too!  I'm hoping to do a brand new song and throw in a classic too of course.  Singing Christmas songs in July/Summer is always an interesting dynamic.  Well at least when I sing about the frosty, cold winter weather outside, the air conditioning will be cranked up in the studio!

~ta ta....until next time,


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spring has sprung!

So...Yay!  It's officially spring and I couldn't be happier!  Longer days, more time, or so it seems to get stuff done, warmer weather, even though it's always warm in Southern California, more smiles on faces, and more blooms in the garden!  For me, spring also means it's almost Easter....and I get to make my annual Meyer Lemon pound cake with fresh thyme, also from the garden.  Well, maybe I will not make it this year, haha, because I usually end up eating the whole darn thing!  That's not good since I have videos to make, and outfits to squeeze into, lol.  Oh well, I think I'm going to focus on enjoying the season and not so much on squeezing into stuff, but wait!  It's my job...oh well!  It was a nice thought anyway while it lasted.  The thought is still lingering in my mind however, making my mouth water!  Yum!!  Seriously, you'd have to be crazy not to indulge once in a while!  How could you not!!?

Speaking of indulging...I've been indulging and immersing myself in my next project with a positive attitude, but the songs just aren't coming that easily to me.  They have to be right with me...ugh!  The key word being "right".  It really is a tedious task at best.  I've been at work now for two years on this project and just when I feel I've made progress, I feel like I'm starting all over.  I just want to make a good record and a sufficient follow up to "Reckless Heart".  It doesn't have to be the best record all around, it just has to be the best for ME!  The songs have to speak to what I want to say, and in the way in which I want to say it, and that has nothing to do with my last record.  The music as of lately is somewhat lacking, in my opinion, of several key elements that make me want to listen over and over, sing along in the shower, in the kitchen, or in the car, and eventually go out, or click, and buy!  I can't wait forever, but sometimes next week seems like forever....but patience is a virtue, and this I know for sure!
I am looking to bring some qualified musician players together for some upcoming shows I have in the future, and that makes me very happy.  I don't really care where they come from, whether it's here or Nashville, Vegas or Chicago!  I just want them to jam with me and give me chills down my spine because they're just that good...because I strive to be just THAT GOOD!  Being on stage is like being in my bedroom.  It's one of my most favorite places to be on the planet.  It's where I feel the most relaxed and at ease with the world, yet I can be extreme and sing as loud as I want, jump, or scream, and express the most authentic ME that I can be.
I can't wait to post those upcoming show dates for ya hopefully soon...and the new music project, well, that will happen when the time is right, and not a moment before.  Thanks for waiting with me.  We'll get there...I promise.

~ta ta.....until next time,


Friday, January 31, 2014

Gong Hey Fat Choy / Gong Xi Fa Cai / Happy Chinese New Year!

How's your New Year shaping up so far?  Did you make any resolutions?  Have you kept them?  I always say I'm not going to make them, but I always do, and so in keeping with one of my resolutions, I'm posting more blogs than last year! xoxo

I'll leave you with this resolution;  Don't live in fear and all of its repercussions in your life.  Welcome the Holy Spirit to come into your life and equip you to fulfill your destiny!  Amen.

Happy Chinese New Year!  It's the year of the Horse!
May you have a prosperous and happy new year, and lots of good fortune!  Keep your head up, and never, ever give up on your dreams!

~ta ta.....until next time,